Feminist festivⒶl // Feministickej festivⒶl
Feminism Is for Everybody // Feminismus je pro všechny
Demo 8.March “Feminists United Fighting All Oppression” # 8.3.2019
Categories: demoška, emancipation

Title: Demo 8.March “Feminists United Fighting All Oppression”
Location: Náměstí Republiky, Prague
Link out: Click here
Description: We, Koalice 8M, call for a demonstration on the 8th of March under the motto: “Feminists
United Fighting All Oppression” starting at 17.00h in Namesti Republiky.

The rally is intended to raise awareness of matters which affect all women globally and daily, with the ultimate goal of bringing social and systemic change for all. It aims to deconstruct the system of oppression built and perpetuated by a patriarchal society, demanding unrestricted reproductive rights, an end to all gender based violence, the freedom to express one’s sexual identity, equitable pay, racial equality, immigrant rights, environmental protection and economic justice for the working class.

If you also believe that there is no true peace, freedom, or inclusion without equity for all, come take the streets with us!

Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2019-03-08
End Time: 20:00


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