Feminist festivⒶl // Feministickej festivⒶl
Feminism Is for Everybody // Feminismus je pro všechny
Who should decide about abortion? International experiences # 23.2.2019

Title: Who should decide about abortion? International experiences
Location: InBáze, z. s., Legerova 50, Prague
Link out: Click here
Description: This 8M is approaching and Asamblea abierta de Praga/Marea Granate Chequia would like to spark the debate about women’s rights, and the international solidarity around the topic.
Last year, the feminist movements showed a strong unity in Argentina, Ireland and Poland (among others) to defend the reproductive rights in different contexts showing the capacity of international coordination and struggle.
In this event, we would like to share different opinions and experiences to develop international strategies.
For example, we would like to share the Spanish case of 2013 where conquered rights were threaten by the right government (PP) which propose a strong backlash for women’s autonomy
Check the link below for this amazing initiative (Red Federica Montseny), which is an extraordinary example of sisterhood and resistance.
Start Time: 17:00
Date: 2019-02-23
End Time: 20:00

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